Florida Alligators!

I wanted to see an alligator in the wild, but not too close or within my living site. On our way from the Keys to Ft Myers we went through the general Everglades area of Florida. We were told about the Cypress Visitor’s area to stop along the way to see some alligators. We made the stop, and we did in fact see several alligators!

The birds that hung out were pretty amazing, so I have to include a section for them. Love it when there are signs to help educate people about nature. I know I learn something each time.

But what was cool was as we continued to drive, I kept watch of the water area that ran parallel to the road. I was amazed that I saw several alligators, and even more shocked that some of my pictures came out!!


  1. We took that route through the everglades back this time as well. :). However, we didn’t stop at the visitors center, but we did see quite a few alligators along the way in the channel along the north side of the road. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. I was surprised that I could spot them off the road that far –and even more that I got a few pics. Hope we meet up again somewhere!

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