Children’s Museum Reopens

Isaac was so excited to tell us that the New Children’s Museum of San Diego was reopening! We’ve had annual memberships for him (and Mona) since he was two years old. We took Isaac, Erika and Justin to the Imagine Children’s Museum in Everett when they came up to visit October 2017. Isaac was 13 months old. From that visit we decided a yearly membership at the one in San Diego would be great for his birthday from age 2 on. He and Mona love going, so we really missed it when the Covid-19 pandemic hit preventing regular visits.

Imagine Children’s Museum – October 2017:

Changes were made to facilitate a safe re-opening of the New Children’s Museum of San Diego. Occupancy was limited, so reservations for a 3-hour session (morning OR afternoon) were required. We booked May 28 from 1-4PM. Isaac was so excited. Three hours was perfect due to the reduced number of activities open. Activities were well spaced out and staff monitored participant numbers. It was really cool to see the area outside get put to good use.

Area of ride on cars. Roads were marked on the tarp.

“Snake” – crawl through:

These “chariots” were pretty cool. Pumping the handle up and down makes them go. They actually can get going pretty fast, but you also have to steer. 🙂

Isaac’s favorite activity of the day was the area with simple hanging sheets to create a “maze”. He LOVED running through these looking for or staying away from Papa.

I think Mona’s favorite was the Japanese water painting station.

INDOOR activities included creative craft kits. They both enjoyed this one. Isaac especially liked taking the scissors to start cutting. Unfortunately, I missed getting a picture of his final product–a bug of some kind. Mona made a dancer, and Barry made a paper airplane. Each bagged kit included 3 half sheets of colored construction paper, two pipe cleaners, one straw, a toilet paper roll, a black marker, scissors and colored paper tape.

Wobble Land is still a favorite.

Isaac and Mona crawled through a short doorway into an unknown room. Inside the room was a steep ramp with a rope that Isaac used to get right up the ramp, and appeared in the bubble window pictured below. We were so surprised to see him. He was so proud of himself and so happy that we saw him.

Unfortunately, the ultimate favorite–the sand room, was eliminated. We always used to finish the day with playing in the sand. It was so calming. It will be missed.

Since the second floor will reopen next week, we made reservations to go back June 4.

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