Children’s Museum Revisited

June 4, 2021, we headed back to the New Children’s Museum of San Diego. Today the second floor is to be opened. We arrived early enough to be able to park inside the parking garage. (Full 3 hours for $10). Being within the first few in line, we headed directly to the second floor before those areas got more crowded even though they are limiting number of people in a given area and total number into the museum for each three-hour session. Isaac and Mona weren’t into the netted climbing structure or the other climbing exploration area as we expected. They did it a little, but seemed moody. Was today going to be a total bust? We stopped at a small lego building station. They liked that. Maybe they need to “warm-up”.

We went back down to the main level. BINGO! The bouncy rainbow tunnel was empty! Isaac was ready for this! Mona not so much.

Video of Isaac: Rainbow Tunnel

A staff member told Barry that he could go in with Mona. Major hurdle crossed! Papa, you’re awesome!

Step 2 – A little knee support from Papa while Mona tests out jumping. Before he knew it she was jumping independently. Then when I equated it to being on a trampoline, the light really clicked. (She has been on a trampoline up in Washington). There was no stopping her now!

Video of Mona: Jumping the entire length

Isaac and Mona played in the rainbow tunnel for a full hour! We had to have them take a short break at one point to cool off.

And back to jumping!

With only about 30 minutes left, Isaac wanted to go to the netting climb on the 2nd floor. Mona played a little, but wasn’t going to go up inside. Isaac went all the way up and in and played in the center of it. I took Mona outside to ride a “car” and paint.

Barry and Isaac came out. The three of them hit the maze of sheets.

Isaac gravitated to the chalk drawing area while Papa took Mona inside to use the bathroom before the ride home.

What a great way to celebrate Barry’s birthday! We love these two so much!

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