Desperate Times; Desperate Measures

Covid-19 “Stay at Home” orders are prevalent throughout much of the country. Therefore, most hair salons are now closed. SO today we bought a set of hair clippers and scissors. We watched a couple YouTube videos, and then “jumped in”. I did Barry’s hair starting with the #4 attachment. It was a little scary for both of us. Then I switched to the #3, then #2 and finished close with the #1 near the ears or wherever he said to–maybe a little too much on one side…but it will fill in fast. Sure would be easier if those ears weren’t there. LOL. Barry survived it.

Oy Vah!!SO many attachments!

Next it was Barry’s turn to cut my hair! I had tried to cut my hair by myself the day before, but couldn’t get good side views, and forget the back! I needed him to do this. He told me he’d only do it if I promised not to cry when he was done. No problem! I’m pretty easy when it comes to my hair. It will alway grow out regardless. Our RV lifestyle lends itself to being much more low key when it comes to things like hair cuts. Besides we wear our hats most days. Barry was definitely nervous to make the first cut, but once he got started, he did great! Not only did he totally do the back, but did the sides and top more to even it out. I loved how it turned out!!

I have a feeling we will be trimming each other’s hair a few more times before lives return to normal. (Jo-I don’t expect it to be any worse than what the licensed beautician did when you first rescued me. 🙂 )

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