7-4-19: 4th of July @ Pio Pico

We really weren’t expecting much for the 4th of July celebration at Pio Pico. They started the day with a parade. Oh, my! So many bike participants! Even Don & Barry participated! I let Don ride my bike. He was as happy as the other kids riding. šŸ™‚ Jo & I just didn’t seem to make it down to the start in time. LOL But seriously you need some spectators. šŸ™‚

Saturday night Pio Pico had a dance. Really? Don & Jo wanted to go. Really? We went up for dinner and stayed for the dance. Oh, my gosh! We had SO MUCH FUN!!! I don’t think Barry and I have danced this much since Erika and Justin’s wedding! (Only have videos. When I figure out how to upload movie clips I will add some of them.)

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