Visit With My Brother

My brother and me

Since were were “stuck” at the Velocity Truck Center as we waited for official extended warranty approval, we were able to arrange a visit with my brother and his wife! It was really important for me to see him after I learned this same week that he uses oxygen 24/7. This came as a shock to me. Montana (Larry) is only 5 years older than me!

Going for a ride after he got his oxygen.
Montana and Buster when he visited Katie last week.

Montana invited us to their home for a BBQ. We had a great time together. It’s nice that he no longer picks on me. LOL Actually he has always been the older protective brother, and I love him.

Makayla, Coby, and Riley (Karen’s grandkids) were of course there, too, since they live with them. Karen has pretty much been raising them for several years. I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be day in and day out 24/7 at this age. Dog update: Capone had to be put down since we were there a year or two ago. He was really cool. Jessie is now a 3-legged dog due to bone cancer. Buster is as loving as ever. Buster is Montana’s diabetes service dog.

Having noticed Montana drinks Diet Mt. Dew. I sent him this information on Mt Dew since I was concerned that his Mt Dew consumption was significantly adding to his health issues. He not only looked at it, but was shocked because everything listed he is dealing with. Right then and there he committed to stop consuming all aspartame products. He was drinking 8+ Mt Dews every day! I’m so glad I shared the information with him!

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