Time with Isaac and Mona – September 2021

We were able to start and end our September stay in the Chula Vista area by having Isaac and Mona for three days! There’s nothing better than extended time with these two! Using the 2-inch latex topper from our bed for a bed on the floor for the kids worked great again. There is just enough space to carefully walk between their “tent bed” and the foot of our bed.

KiwiCrate Time: We opened the Koala Crate labeled “Music”, and the “Colors” crate. What fun!! I helped Isaac make a xylophone. He was so excited! He squealed, “How did you know I’ve always wanted one!?!” Pure joy! It really was a cool xylophone. He played it often throughout the three days.

Mona made a rainbow night light from the “Colors” Koala Crate. It worked with a battery operated tea light. It was pretty cool. She was extremely focused and did a great job. This also allowed Isaac uninterrupted time with his xylophone.

Together they made the tambourine-like instrument and a ribbon for rhythmic movement/dancing.

Making music: Isaac loved sitting by himself totally engrossed in playing his xylophone. He was content till Mona would bug him.

One day Isaac started playing, paused, and roared. He played a little more, paused and then made a monkey sound. We were stunned. He said it was his Jungle Song! It was priceless! We had him do it again so we could record it, but it just wasn’t the same as his first spontaneous creation.

Seeing the joy Isaac was experiencing from this handmade xylophone, Barry and I think we may get him a better xylophone for Christmas-one with some sheet music to play songs he knows, and continue to create his own.

I showed the kids the big floor puzzle that we bought for them at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Isaac immediately wanted to open it and start putting it together. He worked on it with just a little help from me. Towards the end, Mona became interested and helped finish it.

The puzzle has a “Can You Find?” feature where within the finished puzzle for 1 whale, 2 octopuses…5 dolphins, etc till you get to 12 sand dollars. It was fun. Together, Mona, Isaac and I found them all.

Isaac and Mona worked on additional puzzles another day. Isaac was really into puzzles this visit. This was the first time he completed the two harder ones of the three puzzle set of “Finding Dory”. Mona did the one of Dory. I’m glad they enjoy puzzles. Puzzles are great for the mathematical and problem solving part of the brain!

Mona enjoyed time playing with Nana’s babies. She even asked if she could sleep with “Jaimie Lynn” (the larger doll pictured below) every time she stays with us!

Which is your favorite baby?

We introduced Isaac and Mona to UNO and dominoes. It was fun. The card holders we picked up previously worked great for UNO! I wish we had more time to introduce them to more games and play them with some regularity!

We had lots of quality time at the pool! The temps were in the high 90s and even hit triple digits, so the pool was very refreshing. We stayed at the pool for a good two to three hours. I packed snacks and lunch to have at the pool. It’s no wonder they slept so well each night!

It was very exciting for me when we got BOTH Mona and Isaac to float on their backs!!

When we helped out watching the kids during the week while Erika and Justin worked we went to the park within their housing complex and rode bikes around the neighborhood. Isaac is getting better and better on his Spiderman bike. It is nice that he is reaching the pedals better now. Mona is flying on her balance bike! I can’t wait to buy her a two wheel PEDAL bike for Christmas!

Going to the little playground right across from the kids’ house is always a good time. Isaac and Mona have both gone from being afraid to go down the curvy slide to going down over and over, to now climbing UP the slide! (When no others are present to slide down.)

And of course, they love when Papa joins them!

We are definitely going to miss being fully engaged with these two when we go to Yuma for the winter. Hopefully, Justin, Erika and the kids will come visit us sometime during some of their time off before or after Christmas Day! We love them SO much!!

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