Swim Sign-ups Working

It is challenging to manage RV park swimming pools for social distancing when it gets hot out. The weekends and holidays are especially tough when the cabins are also booked. I have to salute Pio Pico for figuring out a fair system that seems to be working.

At first a simple schedule of 3-hour sessions with an hour for cleaning between each was posted at the pool. It also stated that only a maximum of ten people were permitted within the entire pool area. People were not counting prior to entering. They were oblivious. The 4th of July weekend was upon us. One day when we went, I took note that Barry, Isaac and I were numbers 6, 7 and 8. I was pretty sure people would exceed the 10 person max quite soon. I wanted to be sure to know where we were in that count when the ranger showed up. Numbers 9 & 10 came in, but then about 5 more came in to join three already there. About 10 minutes later, the ranger showed up. He said that he could either ask for volunteers to leave, or he could shut the entire pool down for the full three hours. The large group spoke up and said they would all leave.

Evidently, later in the day, or the next day, there were issues keeping the maximum down to 10, because one group of ten monopolized the pool for the full three hours while others were waiting to get in. SO–they came up with a clipboard with sign-up sheets for one-hour sessions that they attached to the gate area. It actually seems to be working! Now that is is Monday, and July 4th has passed, a lot of the weekend partiers have left, and it is extremely pleasant at the pool. Some people sign-up, but then are “no-shows”. We are loving the peaceful, non-crowded situation. A ranger shows up at the top of each useable hour and checks the sign-up against those present. If additional people are present beyond the 10 signed up, they are told that they have to leave. The pool also gets cleaned regularly of debris (mainly bugs) that has collected in the pool. How nice! This is definitely a benefit of the coronavirus. šŸ™‚

So during our walk tonight we stopped at the pool to check the sign-up for tomorrow. No sign-up! Instead, there was this:

We’ll see how things go during the week. May only be a problem when the temps are in the 90’s and/or weekends throughout the summer. We’re just glad that they are keeping the pools open! We love having an hour or two to relax from the heat. šŸ™‚

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