Life Through a Child’s Eyes

When we had Mona for a couple nights recently, and we were out walking and biking through the park, she noticed things we had never taken the time to truly see. Maybe it is because she’s closer to the ground. Maybe it is because she walks slower. But how nice it was to experience these things together. What joy these simple treasures brought her!

Pretty rocks! The first one she noticed was a rabbit. We weren’t stopping to smell the roses, but we stopped often to look at painted rocks that were located in several different areas within the park. She loved most of them. A couple scared her, but she loved checking them out and looking for more each time we went out with her on her bike, or we all walked.

Barry suggested that we get paint and brushes to let her paint some rocks. When we picked Isaac up for his turn with us, we stopped at Walmart and got a variety of paint, brushes and sponge tools. Although it was Mona who prompted this activity, it was Isaac who was going to have the experience of painting rocks first.

Step ONE: We needed to go look for rocks. Luckily, we have a dry river bed that winds through the park. In no time at all, our bucket had plenty of rocks in it. Next, we had to wash the rocks. Isaac was so excited. I put a little dish soap in the bucket, but he evidently didn’t see me do that. When Barry added the water with the hose, and Isaac saw bubbles forming, he squealed with delight asking where the bubbles were coming from! It was so cute. Together we washed the rocks and Papa set them out on the picnic table to dry. Isaac continued washing and playing with the bubbles. I finally took a little video clip of him, but I missed the most precious part when we first started.

Some of Isaac’s artwork and the special Spiderman one I made for him. 🙂 It was not easy trying to paint while helping/monitoring him with the paint as he went from color to color and rock to rock. The two different size sponge circles worked the best and seemed to be more satisfying to him.

Then it was Mona’s turn. While Mona definitely enjoyed the experience, we thought she would show more of her typical animated excitement. I made a Minnie Mouse for her.


  1. Great job to all of you! What a fun project. Will you put them around for people to find? Looks like we have some budding artists.

    1. Thank you. It was fun! We left some at the park. Gave four of them to keep at their house, and we kept a few for our place in Yuma. 🙂

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