8-25-18: Pool time + Cornhole = New friends for life

One day at the adult pool at Pio Pico we met our now dear friends, Joanne (Jo) & Don Richardson when Don asked us if we wanted to play some water volleyball. We did, which was just the beginning of lots of laughs and a lasting friendship. Jo and I connected right away. Soon we were playing cornhole at the pool several evenings a week. It really brought out everyone’s competitive nature. LOL Jill Holden got introduced to cornhole and became a fanatic for it along with Bob & Janet Bockus. Bob got so obsessed with the game that he wanted to stop at Lowe’s on their way back to Yuma to build a set to continue play at home! (Janet instead ordered a game set for him for his birthday!) Jill and I became walking partners since she had a lease site at Pio Pico.

Others we got to know while at TT: Bryan Hartwick, Brian Becker, Shirley, Mike, Violet & Ken Baker, Aaron Jefferson (Jeff), Sabrina & Fred. Full-time rving will not be a lonely life at all! This is the social aspect I knew I needed.

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